Monday, February 27, 2006 . all liess...

you asked me to help your friends. but you yourself always have some reasons not be on set. being tired and all after work i still go on to help her because you left her all alone with noone to help her. and whats with the saying of "if you cannot make it let me know. i`ll take over or find alternatives." whats with word eaters nowadays.. how funny..

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Jon rambling at 27.2.06
. how could u ...

haiz... i`m being put up and blurred out on the possibility of me getting baptised soon. i took the piece of paper and sat myself down in the living room where my dad was watching the tv. i called out to him and spoke to him about the upcoming baptism on easter sunday. he looked at me and shook his head. that look on his face. the exact look a year back when i asked of the same request again. request for the permission of me recieving baptism. the sacrement of reconciliation. the best gift that all mankind could recieve for anyone. especially when this is from god.

i knew somehow he would refuse again. i knew it somewhere inside. but i still tried. i knew somehow i would be disappointed by his letdowns and back out on his own words he said but i still tried. i hoped for a miracle that when i blinked and open my eyes again i would see a happy face for me that he knows i`m serious about this and would agree eventually. but that same face that was imprinted in my mind dated a year back came back like a dejavu. i`m not convinced. i`m not satisfied because you can't give me a proper reason to it. all you said was "talk about it another day. i`m busy." the fact that i took it so seriously yet you think that the tv program is more important disgusts me of ur priorty in life. i cant say more.

Jon rambling at 27.2.06
Saturday, February 18, 2006 . the changi murial...

seriously, an mpg was all i asked for and it could have been so simple i only wanted a few shots thats all.. maybe from now on i really have to consider helping people... really... its a joke..

changi murial shoot has started... the set they made up was really impressive.. replicating all the murials in st luke's chapel and all the art department's replications... went to OCH for a while today to fetch some stuff over.. even in the day i felt the chills but i was able to have a good look at the details of the stairs and walls. and found out a few interesting places that might be ideal for certain sets and moods.. its in changi by the way.. old commando barrack...

thought of the day: FELIX YOU ARE RIGHT!

Jon rambling at 18.2.06
. how funny...


Hi (ANON),

the dp always has the right in having a copy, the reason so because ask yourself on shoot how much i`ve helped you out. was it u who gave me the shots or i who gave u the shots. then think about it do i deserve to keep a copy of MY ideas and works when i wanna showcase them. i dun need corrected colours or audio BECAUSE i`m only cutting a reel and require just a couple of shots from ur 10 MINS . IS that too much. seriously i dont see whats so difficult in that. call me demanding or whatsoever its not just for NTU but other CVs as well alright.

A show reel is showing what you are capable of doing, not your own work. i am only showing what i can do. NOT TRYING TO STEAL UR SHOW or wat okay. I THINK THAT IS ONLY FAIR that i have it. not like i asked u to reedit. you can go outside and ask did i asked too much of you la please. the reason why i never ask from yihan was because. the shots were basically stagnant and most of them were what she told me she wanted i give her. NOT SO MUCH of my own work. do you know the difference now? and whether saphira or anyone of them want a copy from you is not my friggin problem FIRSTLY I NEED IT for work reason. SECONDLY you mean i am obligated to help you? you definitely sounded so!

you said you were unhappy, com`on to send a mpg, i only ask of that. try surfing gmail 10 times to check for that friggin file but it still doesnt show up and u keep insisting you sent! YES U MAY HAVE SENT but the point is its not thru. WHAT CAN WE DO NOW? you keep repeating but you sent all?

SERIOUSLY think of what i`ve said and see if what i said is true. REMEMBER I`M NOT SHOWCASING UR MPG, ONLY SHOTS thats why i keep insisting I DO NOT NEED YOU TO EDIT COLOURS OR AUDIO.



i`m truly disappointed of what you have said. I dont have to steal your show or whatsoever even if you may have done well alright? get it straight...

Jon rambling at 18.2.06
Monday, February 13, 2006 . she who was the helmet maker's pretty wife...

pretty she was... now she's old and haggard the helmet maker's wife...

hmmm hope that the shoot for wed to sat's will be confirmed... need some cash now like seriously...

fucking bad night... cos of fucktards... good bye

Jon rambling at 13.2.06
Sunday, February 05, 2006 . landrover series 3...

chilli hootttt hotttttt when everything you do is a balloon..........

fyp is over... and i`m feeling the drive for skating and offroading in the hound......THE HOUNDDD CHILLI HOOOTTTT HOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!

the hound is in the garage... for some maintainence shit.. gonna do something to it cosmetically.... and its time to ZHENG MY CAR!!!! damn sian... shittt

Jon rambling at 5.2.06

31st July

the sunshine underground - "commercial breakdown"

