Friday, April 28, 2006 . fucked up night...

go away... pls

Jon rambling at 28.4.06
Monday, April 24, 2006 . hell at west coast park..

it was hell.. i refuse to go drink with ppl who has problems controlling themselves when they drink... refusing to stop yet they cant go home in that state they were in... so another guy and me ended up having to watch the drunkard till crazy hours which could probably put us in danger of being manslaughtered by the time we get home... dammit... its your fault jim beam... haiz.. wat a tormenting night...

Jon rambling at 24.4.06
Saturday, April 22, 2006 . wat a life...

got the first part of my stereo for my car done up... 2nd part is waiting for the other 2 speakers(bass) speakers to come... then went to KC's house to take a look at him fixing his jeep.. Oteq was there with his as well.. so helped out here and there and went to meet my primary sch frens for dinner for 2 of their birthdays... had a good chat and catch up yet again... then a phone call made my not so bad day a fucking tragic... he fucking has to do it every single time... WHAT ABOUT URSELF BITCH! FUCKED UP! you`ve deprived me of many things... thanks alot... thanks alot ... i owe u man... seriously... FUCK TYPE...

so the rest of my night was a disaster... i talked far away from them and returned forcing myself to be alright.. then i called KC and CLif to check if we are still meeeeting and they were at ICE COLD BEER.. so i went to get my car and coming out from the undergound carpark.. it stormed... how fufilling.. completing the whole fucked up night... so i went to meet the guys and had some beer... the first thing Clif asked me was "WHY YOU LOOK SO SAD" ... i guess i was really sulking already... a few beers with them while we talked about everything... sucks man... its the first time beer tasted bad... first time... thanks again...

Jon rambling at 22.4.06
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 . absinthe... absinthe..

if i have absinthe it would be so much easier... 3 shots of it per week maximum... i say 4 in a row sounds better... then i be sent straight to jesus.. wait... maybe not since i`ve never been a good person...


Jon rambling at 19.4.06
Sunday, April 16, 2006 . easter celebration..

congrats for merv who's been baptized on easter vigil...

Jon rambling at 16.4.06
Monday, April 10, 2006 . stunning as it may seem, the fool is the lucky one...

i`m confused and indecisive.. i dunno what to do or wat to decide... maybe until the submarine floats in the orange sky and the birds swim in milky white sea, maybe till the trees wither and turn purple and the buildings and machines burn and topple...

its a random random night... emo i am cos my milo was drank...

Jon rambling at 10.4.06
Saturday, April 08, 2006 . time understands when it wants to...

and time has come for me to prepare for NS.. just recieved my enlistment letter... just right after my interview with Shooting Gallery and when all things seem nice and good... and while i was happily playing with my jeep's 4X4 my dad called me and announced the letter to me and man.. it suck... so many plans that i`ve had before ... work work work and mod my work work and mod my jeep... now its just 2 months away... oh man...10th of june... its time fore reunion..

Jon rambling at 8.4.06
Wednesday, April 05, 2006 . burn... just burn...

fighting everyday makes me sick but it never seem to stop.. really tired of everything when so many events happened the past month yet he fucking picks on everything... really tired... and temper gettin shorter...

Jon rambling at 5.4.06
Sunday, April 02, 2006 . nobody does it better...

i dreaded this feeling... took some time to get over it... and i did... then that dreaded feeling seem like a long awaited friend... visiting me again... now its back on me ... happening again... this time round... wonder how long its gonna stay?? i feel like an empty husk... i feel indecisive now... somehow...

wat a bad timing that my contract ended... with axn.. now i`m waiting for 2 other projects which are on hand... wheres the work when i needed them the most... to consume me... to be my time consumer... when being alone doesnt make me feel that alone at all... it doesnt seem like the world is being friendly anymore... sent out emails and msgs remains unreplied.. everything in the house appears how it should happen... funny i`m typing all these and the tears wont sieze flow...

Jon rambling at 2.4.06

31st July

the sunshine underground - "commercial breakdown"

