Sunday, April 29, 2007
when i came round to call, you didn't notice me at all...
Jon rambling at 29.4.07
Saturday, April 28, 2007
. a far cry from here 1/7 ...
A mirror for a lesser human being A broken branch to lean your weight upon A muddy path like here Unclear Take the fall of man within Draw the longest hour in Saw birds Squirrels in the trees Flotsam Jetsam about the sea A timely order for a decent pill Ungodly hour for tidings to begin A labyrinth of fear Come here The music calls for undertones The music speaks to those alone Saw words hide between lines Made sense to the open minds A goodbye gone Too mannish to believe Sailor songs To wear them on the sleeve Breathe Breathe All the flaws of man are in Draw upon the well within Come clean.
Jon rambling at 28.4.07
. whats your number?
we`ll talk and you`ll break my heart...
Jon rambling at 28.4.07
Sunday, April 22, 2007
. oh sit down next to me in sympathy...
Those who feel the breath of sadness
Sit down next to me
Those who find they’re touched by madness
Sit down next to me
Those who find themselves ridiculous
Sit down next to me
In love, in fear, in hate, in tears
In love, in fear, in hate, in tears
Jon rambling at 22.4.07
. good and bad day...
the bad- i busted the rear hoodsticks of my truck. it was stupid but i don't know why i was so distracted (i have been recently). and it sucks..
ppl's been asking me whats happening to me...
the good- went airport with my primary sch frens to give hui hui a surprise cos its her bday and she was coming back from australia and we went to rochester which is a very nice place.. paulaners lager is good..
i`m going to do a new setup for the truck since now the hoodsticks are like shit.. and the landrover guys were damn nice and helpful.. coffee session with em at mas ayu ...
p.s: hope you have fun.. take care..
Jon rambling at 22.4.07
Sunday, April 15, 2007
. i`m back...
"if the smile's not meant to be,
if the heart's not ready to open
if we make it i won't see how it's broken
it's the quiet time before the dawn and i'm half past making sense of it,
was i wrong?
should i claim to give it all in a world where not much ever seems to last long
if the smile's not meant to be,
if the heart's not ready to open
if we make it i won't see it's broken
if the smile's not meant to be,
if the heart's not ready to open
if we make it i won't "
i wish i read minds..
Jon rambling at 15.4.07
. i`m back...
"if the smile's not meant to be,
if the heart's not ready to open
if we make it i won't see how it's broken
it's the quiet time before the dawn and i'm half past making sense of it,
was i wrong?
should i claim to give it all in a world where not much ever seems to last long
if the smile's not meant to be,
if the heart's not ready to open
if we make it i won't see it's broken
if the smile's not meant to be,
if the heart's not ready to open
if we make it i won't "
i wish i read minds..
Jon rambling at 15.4.07